West Virginia
United States
Hi! My name is Ben. I am 25 and I like computers (duh), Star Trek, and any game from Epic. I also enjoy playing really cool computer games and I spend alot of my time surfing the web. I also enjoy some outdoor sports (golf and tennis are among my favorites), although I do enjoy riding my bike (gonna do that more now that summer's close). I watch TV alot. Two of my favorite shows are (and still are) Knight Rider and MacGyver. Here are some cool sites I think you'll enjoy. If you want a good tool for dealing with large zip files, download zip chunker! Happy browsing and be careful! E-mail me, because I like hearing from new people! I also enjoy hanging out on IRC (no particular channel) and playing on XBox Live. If you want my instant messenger username, just write me. I also love different kinds of music, like classic and new rock, alternative, rap-core (i.e. 311), and even alot of punk (i.e. MXPX), but definitely no corporate rock!
If you hate those annoying pop-ups, try Pop-Up Stopper. It's free and really works!
If anyone out there has any information on a
Taormino family living in FL or NJ, it would be appreciated (as internet
searches do not reveal all actual listings). I am trying to locate a Taormino
family who used to live in Fairmont, WV, but who may still be living in the
Newark, New Jersey area. If you know of a family including a Vinny (or Vinni),
Mabel, Lisa, and a couple other siblings (whose names I cannot remember),
please e-mail me at wvben@excite.com.
![]() |
My favorite band in the whole wide world is Rush! Rush rulz! And they've never sold out or gone corporate like alot of bands. They've stayed true to their own style and never given in to copying other bands. Maybe that's why you can't find them on alot of radio stations!
Check out the home page of the great people who made my computer,
Looking for CLEAN versions of REAL movies? Then check out CleanFlicks.com
Also, check out a great alternative that works with Napster at Napigator official web site
And, check out a great music service that's really used by alot of people at Musiccity.com
For a great CD ripper and MP3/CD player in one, try MusicMatch
However, if you hate the new preview version of Morpheus, I would recommend Kazaa on which Morhpeus was based. Looks and works exactly like the old Morpheus, and alot better.
Another great MP3 service that's easy to use is WinMX
InoculateIT virus scanner
Download Zip Chunker (Dos)
WV WISe BBS in Morgantown, WV
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: Nemesis See it or else!
Plot (txt) for Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek: Insurrection
SAT Help
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Red Green Show (on PBS)
Epic MegaGames
Champ Games
The Electric Postcard
Ask Jeeves
Frederick County, Maryland
Virtual Morgantown
WV Online
WV Web
West Virginia
Sci-Fi Channel
The X-Files
The Weather Channel
Windows 95 page
Nascar Online
Green Bank, WV observatory
Epic MegaGames
Champ Games
Virtual Tourist
Sign the Guestbook
Nasdaq Stocks Online
Planet Reebok
Radio City Music Hall
Tennis Worldwide
U.S. Professional Tennis Assoc.
Kimiko's Guestbook
PBS Online
Times West-Virginian
The Dominion Post
Newspaper Assoc. of America
Charleston Daily Mail
WV Gazette
The Sun Spot
Washington Post
Frederick News-Post
More HTML help
Beginner's Guide to HTML
JavaScript Made Easy
JP Burleson's Aquatic Showcase
Maps on Us
Best of the Web
Nat'l Library of Poetry
Running Journal
Great Shareware Page
Williamsburg Online
Weather Underground
Smithsonian Institute
America's Dumbest Criminals (My Favorite!).
Chat directory
Rhino Records
Crutchfield Electronics
WinAmp Home Page
Official Genghis Angus site
The official Rockapella web site
King James Bible online
Humane Society for the U.S.
Cause For Paws
Check out the web site for one of my favorite vacation spots at Holden Beach in North Carolina.
If you're an ebay user and wish to find out what feedbacks you have left to leave, use the following link to find out what feedbacks you need to leave:
If you wish to contact ebay directly, here's a link they don't list often. Go to Ebay email question to support.
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While you're here, check out Shack's Place on Ebay
Hercules Int. Elton John Fan Club
Don't want to use Netscape or Internet Explorer? Try
Get free e-mail at Yahoo Mail
If you love late nite TV, then check out The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
I happen to love trains. Check out the homepage for Steamtown.
Check out these great
Pittsburgh Sites
Check out these great
Southeast VA Sites
If you're a WV Mountaineers fan like me, check out MSN Sports page.
Hey, programmers! Check out The Q-BASIC Page.
Check out this really cool chat site!
Excite Mail is now offering free e-mail you can access from any browser!
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Take a look at this cool new Weather Calculator.
Need to be reminded of something in the future?
Get your weather daily for any city! Go to AccuWeather.
Don't gamble
If you live in Maryland, school menus are available at Schools-out.com.
For the conscious consumer among us, there is Consumer World.
For the latest magazines (and more), go to Pathfinder and
Frederick Magazine
Wanna go shopping? Go to QVC's Home Page.
Live in WV? Wanna go shopping for things in the WV area? Then go to WV Buyers Guide.
Wanna get your TV listings daily via e-mail? Go to InfoBeat.
For a good browser, click here: Mozilla Firefox
Search the net on Shack's favorite search pages:
Shack is now a member of the Internet Link Exchange.Check out my auctions on
eBay Find all transactions for an eBay user
This link also allows you to leave multiple feedbacks at one time.
And check out the Holodeck screen saver (32-bit; Win95 or above).
If you have access to a UPN station, check out Paramount Stations Group.
Star Trek: WWW
Also check out The World of Star Trek.
Or do you want to send someone else a reminder? Then go to Get Reminded. on your internet software!
Go to
Shack's Internet Software Page
Ask Jeeves
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My favorite Bible scriptures (Quoted from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures):
"and you will know the truth and the truch will set you free"
..... John 8:32
"Your word is a lamp to my foot and a light to my roadway"
.....Psalms 119:105
"You are my witnesses".....Isaiah 43:10
"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it".....Psalms 37:29
"If anyone makes the statement 'I love God' and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen".....1 John 4:20
"That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the most high over all the earth".....Psalms 83:18
"All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness".....2 Timothy 3:16
"it is impossible for God to lie".....Hebrews 6:18
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more. Neither will mourning nor outcry be anymore. The former things have passed away".....Revelation 21:4
"For everything there is an appointed time".....Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3
In case you're wondering, I happen to be a baptised Jehovah's Witness. For more information, go to the Watchtower Official Web Site and Jehovah's Witnesses Public Affairs Authorized Site.These are the only sites that are officially from the Watchtower Society. All others are frauds and are falsely designed to create mistrust in Jehovah's Witnesses! These sites will explain more about Witnesses' beliefs and their Bible-based stand on various issues.
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